
The importance of 5 Cs of New Hire Onboarding 

Concept of Onboarding: In human resources, onboarding is defined as the process of familiarizing a new employee with the organization’s policies, and cultures and making them accustomed to the fresh work environment.

The process of Onboarding begins right from the time an employee accepts the offer letter to join the organization. To smooth out the process of transitions for the new hires, these processes are considered essential.

Common struggles of a new hire: 

A lack of proper onboarding experience can cause new employees to struggle to grasp and perform their duties efficiently. Some of the very common struggles of the new employees include improper or incomplete descriptions of the job due to a lack of role clarity. This makes the onboarding process extremely difficult for the employees. The first day is one of the most crucial days for a new employee in their work-life with that organization. It should be more than paperwork and information. It is the perfect time to expose the employee to the organization’s values and ethics, it’s a friendly and welcoming environment.

An employee should be comprehensively briefed about their organization’s vision and culture. A very common issue several freshers face is the lack of knowledge of their system and its functioning. 

With GEx Search, we aim to put a full stop to all these problems. We believe that with our strategic compliance to the 5 Cs of new hire onboarding, we can change the face of the modern-day onboarding process.

The importance of the 5 Cs of the new hire onboarding process:

Compliance: This is one of the most essential integration levels of an employee in the onboarding process. Usually done by an HR professional, this refers to the session of briefing the new employees on the organization’s policies, confidentiality requirements, harassment prevention, and other requirements. 

Clarification: This is a very crucial step in clarifying a new associate’s roles and responsibilities in the organization, their individual goals, and expectations. We at GEx Search make sure we cover these values.

Culture: An organization’s culture forms an integral part of its foundation. Any new hire should be exposed to an organization’s culture throughout the onboarding process. This involves making them familiar with the organization’s vision, missions, beliefs, etc., and embracing them fully.

Connection: Isn’t it always a comfort to find connections and acquaintances in a new environment. We help the new employees by connecting them with their relevant departments, mentors, and other necessary people to help them ease the overwhelming initial feeling of a new place.

Check Back: We at GEx Search believe in going far and beyond to ensure the well-being of an organization’s new employees. Checking back with the new associates of the organization in their first 30, 60, and 90 days whilst establishing expectations and milestones alongside can prove to be very fruitful.

Conclusion: According to a study conducted by CareerBuilder and Silkroad Technology every 1 in 10 employees leaves an organization because of a poor onboarding experience. Without a proper or incomplete onboarding process, a general loss of productivity pattern is noticed.

When an organization has a great onboarding experience, employees are likely to stay 69% more than that in companies otherwise. A welcoming and engaging environment decreases the chances of an employee leaving the organization by 87%.

We at GEx Search ensure that these stats are not just numbers but reality met by our actions and dedication towards our clients. Good work-life starts with a good onboarding experience and what better place than GEx Search to start your organization’s best onboarding life.

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